18天了, Happy, 你到底在哪裡... 牠想回家! 再請大家幫忙, 按分享轉貼。 Has been 18 days, Happy where are you?


 昨天 4:31
一個多禮拜前, 我們在世聯會的臉書上, 請求各位粉絲幫忙, 幫助詹先生一家人尋回他們走失的女兒 Happy 。 各位可能還記得, 詹先生一家為了找回 Happy, 還開著宣傳車 天天尋遍台中大街小巷找 牠的蹤跡。 Over a week ago, we told you about a dedicated family driving a billboard truck to find their daughter Happy who got lost in Taichung.

It has been 18 days, but still no sight of Happy. We received the following message from Mr. Jan, Happy's daddy today:
"It's 2am, we just came home. Someone told us that he saw a dog that looked like Happy wondering near JaoMa, so we have waited there for 2 days till midnight. Tonight, we finally saw the dog, it's not Happy..

Although Happy has not been found yet, I want to thank for all the help and encouragement that everyone has given us. Many of you are strangers, but you have given me hope. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Happy's mommy has been out and looking for Happy since 5am every day. Happy's brother pretends to be strong in front of us but we know he's sad, often cries in his room, missing Happy. Every time when I see a stray dog searching for food in the garbage, my heart aches.

It has been 18 days, Happy, where are you?"

可是18天了,Happy 還沒有回家。這是Happy的巴拔詹先生剛寄來的簡訊:

"剛剛回到家,現在是凌晨2點 , 有善心人士通報在朝馬夜裡有像happy的狗在逗留, 連著兩天都守候到深夜, 看到牠了, 一隻像happy的狗...不是, 帶著失望的心情返回了家裡。

找尋Happy的這段時間, 真的感謝來自很多陌生人士的電話通報和簡訊鼓勵,黎明新村的婦女跟母女,文心南路的旅館服務員,朝馬路的婆婆,清晨在市政路餵流浪狗的賴老師,以及眾多的愛心媽媽, 感謝妳們..雖然Happy到現在還沒有回家, 但是我衷心的想跟妳們說謝謝

Happy馬麻已經連續一周每天清晨5點多出門找狗. 她瘦了,Happy哥哥一直在我們面前裝做沒事, 但是我知道他常在自己房間獨自傷心卻又怕我們傷心,這幾天我從大陸回來日日夜夜的尋找, 每次目睹翻著垃圾堆找食物的流浪狗, 心裡就一陣陣的痛。

18天了, Happy, 你到底在哪裡... "

我們再一次請您幫忙, 尤其是大台中地區的粉絲, 注意身邊的狗狗。 Happy有植入晶片(晶片號碼:145949386A), 目前收容所並沒有發現牠的資料, 所以此刻牠大概正瑟縮在某個街角, 想念牠的巴拔馬麻和哥哥。

Happy是6月24日於台中市市政北二路朝貴路跟黎明路之間的長興寵物館走失的, 為此詹先生一家人特別從大陸趕回,開始了漫長的尋女過程

Happy 很膽小,警覺性高。如果有人看到牠請直接叫牠HAPPY , 語音略帶上揚, 牠應該會有反應, 牠很瘦, ...估計這幾天會更瘦了, 如果健康狀況良好,一般不會讓陌生人碰牠。

我們請各位粉絲幫忙,尤其是大台中地區的粉絲,請留意您附近有沒有長的像Happy的狗狗。 住在其它縣市的粉絲也請幫忙~分享轉貼~給您們住台中的朋友。

住大台中的朋友,也 請把這個聯絡電話帶在身邊: 0960613061 或 0989646277 蔡小姐 這樣如果看到 Happy, 可以馬上電話聯絡。 讓我們一起幫 Happy回家! 讓我們祈禱這個故事會有一個幸福的結局!

We are asking for your help. Please if you see a stray dog in Taichung that look like Happy, please call 0960613061 or 0989646277 (might be a good idea to keep the numbers with you.) Happy is micro-chipped (145949386A). She was lost from a pet hotel near Shizheng N. 2nd Rd, in between Chaogui Rd and LiMing Rd. Xitun District. She responses to the name Happy and she was in a good shape, but probably very skinny (and dirty) now. Also, she doesn't let strangers go near her.

Let's pray for a happy ending for the story!

狗狗名字: Happy  品種:米克斯
性別:母      年齡:4~6歲
體型:中型     毛色: 黑,腹部、腳、臉頰為米白色

聯絡電話:0960613061 或 0989646277 蔡小姐


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